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Legislative priorities
& collaborations

California Future of Abortion Council

Hollywood NOW was among the first organizations to join the California Future of Abortion Council.

In December 2021, the CA FAB Council released a blueprint outlining 45 policy recommendations to policymakers that would better prepare California as the threat to abortion rights and access continued to grow.

Hollywood NOW continues to work with the CA FAB Council to develop and advocate for stronger protections of our reproductive rights and an expansion of the access we have to sexual and reproductive health care.

National Council of Jewish Women / Los Angeles

Hollywood NOW participates in NCJW's Advocacy Working Group, which prioritizes economic justice for women and their families.


Aligned in feminist values, Hollywood NOW and NCJW have a long-standing partnership on many projects and campaigns that seek to make lives better for women and girls in Los angeles.

Planned Parenthood Advoacy Project

Hollywood NOW participates in the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Project Los Angeles County (PPAP), which engages in legislative and electoral activity around the issues of reproductive healthcare access.

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